Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Erase the Inward Groan or Enjoy Reading to your Preschoolers

Welcome to anyone who has come to visit from Jamie's Avant Garde Parent blog. I'm glad you're here.

I love to read to my children. Reading aloud is an important and a large component of our homeschooling days. Today I have written a guest post about the key element of loving to read to our children with no inward groan at Avant Garde Parenting. Check it out here.

If you went and read that post, you will appreciate that I read Big Red Barn last night to all four of the children. Usually daddy gets the evening read aloud slot, but he was on a deadline to finish a project. So I had that privilege. My oldest said, "I remember when you read that book all the time. And you could say it by memory. " And then the best part was that he said, "I love that book."

I replied, "Me, too."

So we read Big Red Barn, which they helped me quote when I paused. Then we read Go, Dog, Go by P.D. Eastman. (Another book we read a lot in the days after clearing off the book shelf.) Then we dove into the big chapter book that needs discussion for the older three to understand it all.

With the way all of the children looked at the pictures and enjoyed the books, it shows that one is never too old for good quality children's literature.

And thank you my friend Kristi for nominating me as Parent of the Week and thank you Jamie for inviting me to your blog.

p.s. For those that visit the guest post, the wise tip came from Carole Joy Seid the first time I went to one of her seminars.


  1. Great thoughts! I was privileged to read Lama, Lama, Holiday Drama, to our grandchildren over Thanksgiving! Just loved it!

  2. What a WONDERFUL gathering of thoughts and beautiful, meaningful words, you have here, my friend!! I LOVE hearing your heart spill over for your family!! Love you so much!!

  3. Books are one of the best gifts you can give any child! I had to laugh reading you post because Go Dog Go and The Big Red Barn are two books I had memorized!!

  4. "No inward groan" - three little words that say so much. It's something I need to work on in many areas of my homeschooling journey. I might even write it on my chalk board for next week. :)


Thanks for being part of the conversation...I love hearing from you. Kathleen

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