A few weeks ago just outside my kitchen window, the bright pink blossoms of the Japanese Magnolias sang the song of eternal hope, swaying to the rhythm that soon all will be beautiful, and glorious -- just like them. I welcomed the song because grayness was settling ever deeper into my soul after a long journey of unique circumstances. Each time I looked outside the window, I delighted in the cheerful blooms and my heart became lighter.
This lasted only a few days.
A late spring frost descended. At first, the flowers survived. But after a second frost and more cold days, the beautiful pink blossoms died an early death. They sang their song of hope for less than a week.
Drab, dreary brown, crumpled blossoms took their place. This was much worse than the winter gray that had stared at
me for months. The crumpled brown mocked my hope in the glorious, eternal spring
song that the pink had just begun to sing.
The new view depressed me.
Just as the pink declared hope; the crumpled brown yelled, "Don't get your hopes up.You'll never find a new normal. It will never get better."
Pink tree blossoms of hope crashed down into a flurry of crumpled brown before I could even write a blog post about it!
Then, I looked at the tree with dead flowers. It looked bleak but the truth is that I knew that the tree wasn't dead.
The buds were turning into green leaves. Only the over-the-top flowers were dead. The tree itself was alive. I can't always judge the real work that is happening by only observing the outside of the tree.
A lesson of faith was just outside my kitchen window. I need to walk by faith, not by sight. Though it looks dead because of the dead flowers, the tree itself is still alive.
After a little time, green began to grow -- the steady green of late spring. It is not as glorious as unique, pink blossoms but certainly way better than crumpled brown.
Now when I look outside my kitchen window I see mostly green even though the crumpled brown is still there. With the eyes of faith, I'm learning to trust that there is life even when I can't see it.
Deep, true growth is hard to see. That is why I must walk by faith, not by sight.Walk steadily in the days of green while I continue to trust that in due time, the pink will come again with its glorious song of hope..
"We live by faith, not by sight." II Corinthians 5:7